Get your free chapter on Governance in the Resilient Organization from the book Principles and Practice of Business Continuity Tools and Techniques, by Jim Burtles.
In the first 15 chapters of Jim Burtles' book, you learn how and why you might approach the development and delivery of a successful and effective business continuity (BC) program. This process has involved exploring the tools, techniques, and products. By now, you should be in a position to practice this discipline in a professional manner, and this book has focused on the detail level at which BC is expected to operate and prove to be beneficial. Now, in this chapter on governance in the resilient organization, it is intended for both the experienced BC practitioner and a person entering the profession, you have a chance to look upwards and outwards to see where BC fits within your organization’s hierarchy and how it might filter upwards and penetrate downwards, as BC is integrated into your corporate culture.
Self-Inflicted Leadership Crisis Response Failure Behaviors
1. Surprise: Stems from the U.S. management culture developed over the last 40 years which stresses the invincibility of managers and leaders based on extensive monitoring and data collection to the exclusion of many traditional (historic?) management beliefs, actions, concerns and functions. Today’s prevailing attitude is that smart managers are unlikely to suffer a crisis.
The unintended consequence of this delusion is that much necessary readiness activity never takes place.
Part of the surprise crisis always brings is related to the almost immediate realization by these smart leaders that readiness has suffered in an environment of management omnipotence and over optimism about inherent response capabilities.
The lesson: The smarter they are the harder and faster they fall.
The outcome is: The refusal to believe that things are serious, i.e. not wanting to look too concerned in the eyes and gossip of peers.

How Can Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) Help Your Security Program?
Find out now with your FREE Chapter!
You will:- Explore how security has traditionally been viewed both inside and outside of the security profession.
- Understand how ESRM can change the perception of security in your enterprise to help you better communicate the value of security risk management.
- See how ESRM is the best methodology to meet the changing global security risk climate.
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Get your free chapter on Governance in the Resilient Organization from the book Principles and Practice of Business Continuity Tools and Techniques, by Jim Burtles.
In the first 15 chapters of Jim Burtles' book, you learn how and why you might approach the development and delivery of a successful and effective business continuity (BC) program. This process has involved exploring the tools, techniques, and products. By now, you should be in a position to practice this discipline in a professional manner, and this book has focused on the detail level at which BC is expected to operate and prove to be beneficial. Now, in this chapter, intended for both the experienced BC practitioner and a person entering the profession, you have a chance to look upwards and outwards to see where BC fits within your organization’s hierarchy and how it might filter upwards and penetrate downwards, as BC is integrated into your corporate culture.

How Do You Start Up and Manage YOUR Business Continuity Project?
Find out NOW with your FREE Chapter!
If your organization is starting out on Business Continuity Management, the enormity of the tasks that lie ahead of you can seem overwhelming. That is why it is crucially important to get the scope right, to set realistic limits for the early projects, and to put these within an overall program that will eventually lead to an integrated, comprehensive approach to protect the total assets of the enterprise. The only way to eat the Business Continuity elephant is “a bite at a time.” This FREE chapter shows how to prepare and manage YOUR business continuity project.