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Rothstein Publishing’s new website – What’s in it for YOU?

I am excited to present our newly redesigned website, to provide you with access to the information, resources, books, tools, templates and videos you need most!

Whether your interests include

  • Enterprise risk and resilience
  • Business continuity
  • Cause analysis
  • Crisis management, crisis leadership or crisis communication
  • Emergency management
  • Cybersecurity… is YOUR portal to valuable knowledge, training/education and other tools and resources.

Be sure to check out and subscribe to our blog to keep up with the latest news and developments, and check out upcoming global events.

Check back regularly for Special Offers including free chapters from some of the most important books by industry leaders in your field.

As our Executive Editor is fond of saying, “this is not our first rodeo.” Since our first website launched in (would you believe!) 1984, we’ve redone our website… quite a few times. The most interesting part of this process has been incorporating the feedback and recommendations from you. I hope you approve of this latest version, but more important, benefit from our efforts to make relevant tools, information and resources accessible to you when you need them.

Your input is always welcome. Please contact us with your ideas and insights. As an incentive, we will reward you with gift certificates for products or resources for ideas which we incorporate into our site and offerings.

Watch for an announcement shortly for our new Blog Contest – we’ll be offering you valuable rewards for your very best contributions to our Blog!

And, of course, I welcome your ideas for books, eBooks and other resources which we could work with you to publish.

To you, our loyal followers, clients and customers, THANK YOU for permitting us to contribute to your professional and personal development for the past 35 years, and hopefully for many more years!

Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI

President, Publisher


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