Learn from the Masters of Root Cause Analysis!
Master Cause Analysis with this comprehensive 3-book cause analysis library, and now save 25%! Chester Rowe, Fred Forck and ABS Consulting cover all of the Cause Analysis bases in this 3-book set, regularly $382.97, get all three for $287.99.Here are three industry-defining books for YOUR Cause Analysis Library!

Common Root Cause Investigation Problems and Solutions
The following are typical reasons why most root cause incident investigation programs fail to live up to the organization’s expectations, from the book Root Cause Analysis Handbook: A Guide to Efficient and Effective Incident Investigation.There Is No Business Driver to Change
If the organization is performing acceptably with its current practices, then there is no significant driver to get personnel to change from their current behavior. The organization and the individuals in the organization need a reason to change, as most people do not like change. Investigating and learning from mistakes usually requires a change in the organization’s mind-set or behavior, and a powerful reason is needed to drive such change. This driver must be clearly tied into the rollout of the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) program.
Master Cause Analysis with this comprehensive 3-book cause analysis library, and now save $50.00!
Chester Rowe, Fred Forck and ABS Consulting cover all of the Cause Analysis bases in this 3-book set, regularly $339.97, get all three for $289.99.
Learn from the Masters of Root Cause Analysis!
Here are three industry-defining books for YOUR Cause Analysis Library!

A failure or accident brings your business to a sudden halt. How did it happen? What is at the root of the problem? What keeps it from happening again? Good detective work is needed -- but how do you go about it? In this new book, industry pioneer Fred Forck's seven-step cause analysis methodology guides you to the root of the incident, enabling you to act effectively to avoid loss of time, money, productivity, and quality.

A failure or accident brings your business to a sudden halt. How did it happen? What is at the root of the problem? What keeps it from happening again? Good detective work is needed -- but how do you go about it? In this new book, industry pioneer Fred Forck's seven-step cause analysis methodology guides…

A failure or accident brings your business to a sudden halt. How did it happen? What is at the root of the problem? What keeps it from happening again? Good detective work is needed -- but how do you go about it? In this new book, industry pioneer Fred Forck's seven-step cause analysis methodology guides you to the root of the incident, enabling you to act effectively to avoid loss of time, money, productivity, and quality.
One significant difference in Fred's approach to Cause Analysis is that he starts with Success, not failure. You need to be able to clearly define success using objective criteria, not only in results (dollars, product) but also in behaviors.

Hello Fellow Cause Analysis Professionals,
I am very excited and proud to announce the publication of my book Cause Analysis Manual: Incident Investigation Method & Techniques (Rothstein Publishing 2016).

A failure or accident brings your business to a sudden halt. How did it happen? What’s at the root of the problem? What keeps it from happening again? Good detective work is needed — but how do you go about it? In this new book, industry pioneer Fred Forck’s seven-step cause analysis methodology guides you to the root of the incident, enabling you to act effectively to avoid loss of time, money, productivity, and quality.
“One significant difference in Fred’s approach to Cause Analysis is that he starts with Success, not failure. You need to be able to clearly define success using objective criteria, not only in results (dollars, product) but also in behaviors.”