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Analyze the causes of serious business incidents: NEW Cause Analysis Manual

Hello Fellow Cause Analysis Professionals,

I am very excited and proud to announce the publication of my book Cause Analysis Manual: Incident Investigation Method & Techniques (Rothstein Publishing 2016).

As some of you may know I have been a Performance Improvement Consultant for over 30 years and my new Cause Analysis Manual is the culmination of my work experience investigating significant problems. I believe this book provides a clear step-by-step process of cause evaluation and corrective action development. The key phases of my approach to cause analysis include:

  • Scoping the Problem
  • Investigating the Factors
  • Reconstructing the Story
  • Establishing Contributing Factors
  • Validating Underlying Factors
  • Planning Corrective Actions
  • Reporting Learnings.

The book includes over 175 figures, graphs, and examples. I believe the seven-step cause analysis methodology guides you to the factors that underlie serious business incidents. This, in turn, enables you to act effectively to avoid loss of time, money, productivity, and quality.

For further details about the book go to Rothstein Publishing. To purchase your copy at Amazon, please click here.

Sincerely yours,

Fred Forck





“One signifïcant difference in Fred’s approach to Cause Analysis is that he starts with Success, not failure. You need to be able to clearly define success using objective criteria, not only in results (dollars, product) but also in behaviors.”

— John D. Schnack, Manager, Nuclear Corporate Oversight, Ameren

“…the distillation of the wisdom of vast knowledge and experience into a timely tuned instrument for evoking and capturing the invisible influences that shape the human side of events. This sort of virtuosity is routine throughout the book.”

— Ben Whitmer, Event Cause Analyst, STP Nuclear Operating Company

ISBN: 978-1-944480-09-7 (Print) $99.99


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