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Hazwoper Training DVDs


This targeted collection of HAZWOPER training videos addresses Awareness, Operations, Technician and Command level training and competencies based on the latest version of NFPA 472. Includes twenty DVDs plus other training materials.



This targeted collection of HAZWOPER training videos addresses Awareness, Operations, Technician and Command level training and competencies based on the latest version of NFPA 472. Includes twenty DVDs and other training materials:

Hazmat/WMD Awareness DVD

Runtime: 25 min.

This DVD trains personnel in Awareness competencies, as defined by OSHA & NFPA

Hazmat/WMD Awareness DVD provides OSHA Awareness training for personnel who might be first on the scene of an emergency involving hazardous materials or terrorism.

This safety video demonstrates recognizing the presence of hazardous materials, self-protection, calling for support from trained personnel and securing the area. It addresses the latest NFPA 472 requirements for Awareness personnel.

Hazmat/WMD Awareness is designed for police officers, firefighters, security, highway workers, EMS, industrial personnel and others who could be the first on the scene of an emergency involving hazardous materials or terrorism.
Topics covered include:
  • How hazardous materials can harm people and the environment
  • Label and placarding systems
  • Using the Emergency Response Guidebook, MSDS and other hazard identification systems
  • The four categories of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and the associated risks
  • Addresses both fixed facility and transportation incidents
The included Leader’s Guide outlines a 4-hour (or longer) training seminar, including pre- and post-seminar tests, ideas for activities, a copy of the script and reference materials.

Hazmat Operations Series DVDs

Runtime: 135 minutes

Learn the core competencies required for NFPA Operations Level certification.

HazMat Operations is a five-part DVD series that provides OSHA Hazwoper training. With five training videos, it instructs responders on competencies at the Operations Level for responding to a hazardous material incident. Leader’s Guide is included.

This series is also valuable for annual refresher training.

Topics covered include:

  • Responding to the emergency
  • Analyzing the incident
  • Planning the response
  • Implementing the response
  • Notifying other involved parties
  • Requesting additional assistance when needed
  • Implementing initial defensive actions
  • Evaluating progress

The package is comprised of five DVDs plus a Leader’s Guide and teaches the core competencies required for certification at the Operations Level. It helps set up a program to apply the lessons learned to your jurisdiction or facility.

The five modules of Hazmat Operations are:

Reconnaissance DVD

Runtime: 24 minutes

This Operations Level training video teaches candidates to size up the incident site.

Topics covered include:
  • Sizing up the incident to determine if hazmats are involved
  • Determining the type and quantity of materials involved
  • Evaluating the condition of containers
  • Assessing conditions at the site
  • Gathering information

Hazmat Containers DVD

Runtime: 26 minutes

This training video is a comprehensive study of hazmat containers and the products they store and transport.

This program is the most comprehensive study you will find of containers used to store and transport hazardous materials, focusing on safety. Available separately or as a part of the series.

Topics covered include:
  • Identifying container shapes and contents
  • Bulk & non-bulk containers
  • Types of containers
  • Tank cars
  • Intermodal tank containers
  • Cargo tanks
  • Pipelines
  • Vessels
  • Storage tanks
  • Cylinders
  • Drums & totes

Forecasting Events DVD

Runtime: 28 minutes

Learn how to influence the sequence of events for a successful termination of an event.

This program studies how to influence the sequence of events to lead to a safe and successful termination of the incident.

Topics covered include:

  • How the physical properties of chemicals may lead to container failure
  • Chemical and physical properties of chemicals
  • Flammability, health & reactivity hazards
  • Assessing types of container stress
  • Types of container breach
  • Dispersion patterns
  • Estimating potential harm
  • WMD concerns

Organizing the Response DVD

Runtime: 27 minutes

OSHA Hazwoper Operations Level Training. Teaches about ICS – the Incident Command System – at Hazmat Incidents.

This program portrays how to organize the response for an efficient, effective response. Available separately or as a part of the series.

Topics covered include:
  • Establishing Command
  • The Incident Command System
  • Determining objectives
  • Selecting personal protective equipment
  • Establishing and enforcing scene control
  • Intervention options
  • Decontamination
  • Preserving evidence at suspected crime scenes

Tactics DVD

Runtime: 26 minutes

Learn mission specific competencies for Operations Level certification.

This program portrays mission specific competencies needed by those seeking to be certified at the Operations Level.
Topics covered include:
  • Leak & spill control
  • Fire suppression
  • Use of foam and vapor suppression agents
  • Evaluating risk in search and rescue missions
  • Controlling the spread of contamination
  • WMD issues

Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident Series DVDs

Runtime: 3 hours video

Everything emergency responders need to know about responding to hazardous materials incidents are in this complete package of training videos.

This series of training videos provides Technician Level & Command Level training for personnel who respond to hazardous materials incidents, as required by OSHA’s Hazwoper law and NFPA 472. Based on the highly-regarded manual, Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, this series of training videos is a valuable resource for fire fighters, hazmat teams, bomb squads, industrial emergency response teams and other emergency responders who may deal with unplanned hazardous materials leaks, spills or fire during the course of their work.

With nearly three hours of video, this series is useful for helping to satisfy the training requirements of OSHA’s Hazwoper rule as well as NFPA 471 and NFPA 472.

Site Management & Control DVD

Pre-incident planning for a systematic, well-coordinated approach to a hazmat incident. Topics covered include:

  • Pre-planning to set up a systematic, coordinated approach to a hazmat accident, which may involve a variety of public and private agencies
  • Procedures for establishing command
  • Guidelines for safe approach and positioning at a hazmat incident
  • Establishing the perimeter and hazard control zones
  • Procedures for carrying out protective actions
  • The importance of setting up effective command is stressed

Identifying the Problem DVD

Learn to recognize the presence of hazardous materials at an incident scene.

Runtime: 18 min.

Topics covered include:

  • Recognizing the presence of hazardous materials at the incident scene
  • Identifying the material or general class of hazmat involved
  • Design and construction of hazmat containers
  • DOT hazard classes
  • Placarding
  • NFPA 704

Hazard & Risk Evaluation DVD

This training video helps teach the risks and response priorities at a hazardous materials incident.

Runtime: 25 minutes

Topics covered include:

  • How to evaluate risks
  • Determining response objectives
  • Sources for hazard information
  • Air monitoring
  • Risk factors
  • The importance of maintaining an attitude of safety
  • How hazardous materials behave
  • Container failure

Information Management & Resource Coordination DVD

How the Incident Commander manages information and coordinates resources during a hazmat response.

Runtime: 23 min.

Topics covered include:

  • The types of information needed to manage a hazmat incident safely
  • How to evaluate that information
  • How to coordinate multiple resource groups at a hazmat incident
  • The importance of controlling the flow of information
  • The importance of having effective leadership
  • The Incident Management System
  • Storage and recovery of information

Implementing Response Objectives DVD

Learn how the Incident Commander sets goals and implements tactical objectives for the best outcome of an incident.

Runtime: 25 min

This DVD teaches how the incident commander implements the best available strategic goals and tactical objectives to produce the most favorable outcome to the incident.

Topics covered include:

  • The difference between tactics and strategies
  • Rescue
  • Protective actions
  • Spill and leak control
  • Fire control
  • Transfer
  • Recovery
  • Decision-making
  • Offensive vs. defensive mode

Decontamination DVD

This training video provides an in-depth study of decontamination issues and procedures during a hazmat incident

Runtime: 22 min.

Topics covered include:

  • How contamination occurs
  • Decontamination of persons and equipment after leaving the hot zone
  • Covers all current methods of decontamination, including dilution, absorption, adsorption, heating, freezing, blowing, vacuuming, degradation, neutralization, solidification, disinfection and sterilization
  • Setting up the decon site
  • Responsibilities of the decon officer and the decon team
  • Emergency decon
  • Multiple station decon
  • Medical emergencies
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of decon operations
  • Clean-up

Terminating the Incident DVD

Shows how to evaluate a hazmat response and learn from the experience.

Runtime: 21 min.

Topics covered include:

  • Documenting the incident
  • The post-incident analysis
  • How to conduct a debriefing
  • How to critique the response
  • Focusing on lessons learned

Decon Team DVD

Runtime: 29 minutes

This decontamination training video provides Technician and Operations Level training for hazmat incidents.

Decon Team DVD provides Technician and Operations level training for emergency response personnel and for remediation workers who may be assigned to carry out hazmat decontamination in the field.

Topics covered include:

  • How to select and set up the decontamination area
  • Duties of the Decon Unit Leader
  • Illustrates the most current decontamination methods
  • How to select a compatible method for the particular situation
  • Factors that contribute to the severity of contamination
  • Steps to take to minimize exposure
  • How to detect contamination
  • The importance of pre-planning in order to determine materials and equipment needs
  • The basic stations of the decontamination process are explained
  • Preventing secondary contamination
  • Controlling runoff and contaminated waste resulting from decon activities
  • Checking the effectiveness of decon operations.

Leader’s Guide included.

Hazmat/WMD Self-Protection for Firefighters DVD

Runtime: 29 minutes

This training video teaches the features and limitations of protective clothing used by firefighters in emergency response situations.

Hazmat/WMD Self-Protection for Firefighters DVD training video studies the use of personal protective clothing and personal protective equipment, including respiratory protection and chemical protective clothing. It is designed for firefighters and hazmat team members.

Topics covered include:
  • Why protective equipment is necessary
  • Features and limitations of different types of respiratory protection
  • Respiratory protection used for WMD incidents
  • EPA levels of protective ensembles
  • Standards for chemical protective clothing
  • Donning and doffing PPE
  • Inspecting and storing PPE
  • Medical considerations when using PPE
  • Avoiding heat stress
Package includes DVD plus CD-ROM with Instructor’s Resources: 4 short PowerPoint presentations ideal for roll call training, Post Seminar quiz and pertinent documents in .pdf format.

Air Monitoring Series DVDs

Runtime: 46 minutes

This hazmat safety training video series focuses on air sampling and air monitoring instruments.

Air Monitoring Series DVDs is a two-part training video series which studies basic monitoring instruments and sampling procedures used in emergency response.
This package is designed to provide training to emergency responders who carry out atmospheric sampling activities when a hazardous materials incident occurs.
This program was created with the assistance of major instrument manufacturers and is the most comprehensive program available on the subject of air monitoring.
Contamination Assessment topics include:
  • Hazards and risks of contaminated atmospheres
  • Basic instruments used by emergency responders
  • The difference between direct reading instruments and air sampling
  • Factors which can affect instrument readings
  • Monitoring priorities for the incident commander
  • Respiratory protection and protective clothing
  • Back-up teams
  • Fenceline monitoring
  • Instrument failure
  • Decontamination of personnel and instruments
Direct Reading Instruments takes a closer look at the primary air monitoring devices, explaining the purpose of each and showing how they work, how to interpret readings and how to avoid common problems. The instruments covered include:
  • Combustible gas indicators
  • Radiation monitors
  • Survey instruments
  • Detector tubes
  • Oxygen meters
  • Toxic gas detectors
  • Combination meters
Demonstrations of these instruments in use are given, with graphics to clearly depict the principals behind their operation. The viewer is taught the safe and correct operation of each instrument, and the concept of intrinsically safe equipment – equipment recognized as safe by testing laboratories for use in flammable atmospheres.

NIMS: Introduction to the National Incident Management System DVD

Runtime: 27 minutes

NIMS video training! Teaches response personnel how to coordinate effectively with other agencies. Required to qualify for federal grant funds!

NIMS: Introduction to the National Incident Management System DVD provides NIMS video training describing response protocols for hazardous materials, terrorist and other major incidents. Focus is on the Incident Command System.

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) calls for development of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) – a consistent yet flexible nation-wide framework for managing all types of domestic incidents at the local, state, and federal levels of government.

Emergency organizations are required to adopt NIMS in order to receive federal preparedness grants. This program is designed for law enforcement, fire departments, emergency management, and other emergency response organizations.

Topics covered include:

  • The structure of ICS
  • The advantages of using a standardized incident management system during complex response situations
  • How Command is established and transferred
  • When and how Unified Command is used
  • The roles and responsibilities of the Incident Commander’s staff
  • The four sections that may be activated at complex incidents: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Administration & Finance
  • The role of Multi-Agency Coordination Systems (MACS) and emergency operations centers
  • Managing incident-related intelligence
  • Model Procedures Guide Included with DVD

Includes Leader’s Guide.


Runtime: 30 minutes

NIMS training for Emergency Operations Centers. Learn how to organize your EOC to mirror NIMS.

NIMS for EOCs DVD video training describes the function of the Emergency Operations Center and how it is staffed, organized and activated. Designed for federal, state, tribal and local emergency management personnel as well as private industry and disaster response organization personnel.

The program also demonstrates how the EOC supports Incident Command during a response.

Topics covered include:

  • How the EOC is staffed, organized & activated
  • Key roles in ICS and corresponding roles for the EOC
  • Elements of NIMS
  • The five types of incidents
  • Readiness levels
  • Planning meetings

Also included is a Model Procedures Guide on CD-ROM with customizable PowerPoint presentation, post-seminar quiz, references and other documents to help present a training seminar.


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