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A modest offer to businesses impacted by recent hurricanes or earthquakes

While no amount of preparation could have prevented the horrendous events of the past few weeks, preparedness may help mitigate impact and suffering as well as costs.

After you have tackled the arduous task of returning your lives and businesses to a semblance of normalcy, I’m sure you will be thinking about how you could better cope in the event of a recurrence.

When you are ready to address the potential for future events, I would like to offer you a book (at no cost) which could help you plan for emergency building evacuation.

If your business or organization has been directly affected by these recent tragedies, please contact me, Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI ([email protected]) and I will send you at no cost a copy of Jim Burtles book, Emergency Evacuation Planning for Your Workplace: From Chaos to Life-Saving Solutions. (ePub or PDF eBook) along with tools, templates, case studies, sample plans, forms, checklists, articles, and practical tips.

Our thoughts are with those of you in Texas, Mexico, the Caribbean, southeastern United States and elsewhere. Be safe.

Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI

President, Rothstein Associates Inc.

Executive Publisher, Rothstein Publishing


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